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Located in a 100 plus year old residence in historic Ashland, Ky, 9 Lives Records was conceived out of necessity to provide a means for 2 Cat Studios recording artists to have a way to get their music out to the public. Every one that writes and records has the dream of presenting their music to listeners in hopes that they will “connect” with them and share their heartfelt expressions of music. We decided to do what we could to make that happen and embarked on an adventure that has led us to the present.

After years in pursuit of this dream, we eventually were able to establish a means of presenting our music to the public through world wide distribution through The Orchard, a partner with Sony Music and secured membership in the RIAA (The Recording Industry Association of America or The Grammy’s)

We now have a family of artists that hail from all parts of the United States and beyond. Since our inception, we have managed to rack up nearly 14 Million streams,  Downloads and CD Sales for our artists World Wide! We hope that you will take the time to explore our site and enjoy discovering the vast array of talent that our artists have to offer!

Thanks for visiting 9 Lives Records


copyright 2023


Copyright 9 Lives Records 2024